Survival of the Fittest Part 4 (適者生存パートフォー, てきしゃせいぞんパートフォー, tekishaseizon pāto fō) is the 33rd chapter of the Munou na Nana manga, written by Looseboy, and illustrated by Iori Furuya.
Nana is covering Jin's mouth and touching him where the bullet of Tsuruoka landed.
Last Chapter[]
All the students are gathered by Tsuruoka. He tells them that he plans to transfer them to the mainland. Nana goes to see Tsuruoka to ask him to save Michiru. Tsuruoka notices that Jin transformed into a butterfly and shoots him. Tsuruoka discusses the war that occurred 5 years ago on the island with Jin. Jin attempts to convince Nana to stop obeying Tsuruoka in vain. Tsuruoka tried to form an alliance with Jin but he declined. Moe meets Nana. When reuniting with Jin and splitting up with Moe, Nana tells Jin that she figured something out about is talent. She figured out that if Jin doesn't transform soon, he'll die. Chapter 32
Nana finds out that Jin can't transform if he's being watched. They get into a fight. After Jin used telekinesis on her, Nana understood that he was already transformed. Jin leaves Nana right after letting her know that Tsuruoka has proposed to form an alliance with him. This shocks Nana who's wondering if Tsuruoka really asked an enemy of humanity to work with him. She remembers the people she has killed and wonders why she has done all of this.
Long Summary[]
Nana tells Jin that he's just an ordinary human if he can't transform. Jin remembers Nana that Michiru was in danger. Jin provokes Nana. She starts strangling Jin adding that she will defeat the enemies of humanity for Michiru's sake. Jin uses telekinesis on Nana. Nana understands that Jin has been transformed the whole time. She realizes that his appearance is someone else's. Jin confirms this. Jin implies to Nana that he is going to kill her. He then tells her that it's a joke.
Jin tells Nana that he didn't save Michiro because he wanted to see how being around Michiru changed Nana. Jin says that he'll continue to stay out of the ways of Nana's crimes. He informs Nana that Tsuruoka tried to make an alliance with him. After Jin leaves, Nana is surprised by the fact that Tsuruoka wanted to work with a talented. She remembers the people she has killed and starts doubting her actions.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
People killed by Nana (Jin's imagination)
Tsurumigawa (Jin's imagination)
Tsuruoka (Nana's imagination)