Michiru Inukai (犬飼 ミチル, Inukai Michiru) is one of the main characters of Talentless Nana. She is the conflicting element causing Nana to question her motives and "mission." Generally, she is bubbly and kind-hearted. The character "犬" (inu) in her last name means "dog." Which along with her undying loyalty to even her worst classmates earn her the title of "Dog girl".
Michiru has short curly platinum blonde hair and amber colored-eyes. She wears the standard school uniform with a beige cardigan over it. She’s short and has a gentle, optimistic face.
Michiru is a compassionate and selfless girl. She always puts the safety and well-being of others above herself. Even though healing others reduces her lifespan, she does it without hesitation. She is also very naive and takes things at face value making her an easy target for bullying at her old school and the School of the Talented.
Her selflessness can be attributed to her late best friend, Hitomi, who inspired her to heal others and not hate her Talent like her bullies tried to make her.
Michiru has a healing ability. However, unlike normal healing, she gives up her lifespan to heal another. Often after she heals a major injury, she feels lightheaded and sick. Her healing only works on physical injuries.
She can only heal injuries she can reach and lick, she's shown to be able to use her power by only needing to touch the injured person however, this is only in the case of attempting to resurrect them.
Spoilers here! |
She eventually performs resurrection, though it drained the rest of her life after doing it on Nana. |
Michiru is a kind girl in the main class. She is reserved and soft-spoken, which makes her an easy target for teasing by the other girls. However, she can be assertive when she wants to, like when she tries to convince Nana that she doesn't need to hate herself. Michiru still cares about the other girls despite their bullying seeing the best in them. Nana views her as naive and dog-like initially but as she grows closer to Michiru she begins to understand why Michiru views the world so optimistically and sees Nana as a good person despite having seen evidence that Nana is a murderer.

Michiru wishing she wasn't a Talented
Michiru was a victim of bullying at her old school after she healed someone's leg injury. Her classmates started calling her "gross" and "arrogant" because she had a talent, to the point of making Michiru wish she didn't have one. One day, she healed a dog and met Hosokawa Hitomi. Michiru tried to run because Hitomi had a scary reputation however she congratulated Michiru for healing the dog, saying that she had "an amazing talent that could save all kinds of people" and the two girls quickly became friends. Hitomi didn't attend classes regularly but decided to do it for Michiru. She protected Michiru from bullying and told her to be more confident in her abilities. She asks Michiru if she can heal illnesses because her mom is sick, but Michiru informs her that her talent requires some injury to work. Michiru used her talent in her parents' hospital to heal patients with physical wounds inspired by Hitomi's words. Unfortunately, this caused Michiru to get busy and she and Hitomi grew further apart as Hitomi continued to ditch classes.

Michiru and Hitomi's friendship
One day, while working at the hospital, Michiru fainted after healing a critically ill patient and discovered that using her healing powers shortened her own life. As she recovered, she reunited with Hitomi, who revealed that she was a cancer patient at the same hospital where Michiru worked. That was why she did not come to school, she was ducking out of treatment to protect Michiru from her bullies. This caused Michiru to feel guilty, as her friend should focus on her health. But, Hitomi responds, "They say eating junk food will make you die young, right? I know it's true, but it's fine if I live a little" Hitomi reveals she's not good at discussing her feelings but wants Michiru to know she's just as scared as everyone else and she's glad she got to meet Michiru one last time. Sometime later, Hitomi passed away, motivating Michiru to push herself to save those in need.

Michiru's introduction
When we met Michiru for the first time, she was with Habu and Kaori. First on the log bridge during training then, the two gyarus' tease Michiru after she gets a love letter from a secret admirer. During this Michiru noticed that Nana had an injury on her thigh and immediately helped her, which surprised Nana. The who gyarus' reveal that Michiru's power shortens her life and tells her to slow down with the healing. Later, as Michiru waited for her admirer, Nana approached her and stood up to the two gyarus for bullying Michiru. It turned out that the love letter was a prank, as there was a secret message in kanji on the letter saying "Michiru you are a stupid idiot."

Nana and Michiru's initial friendship
This made Michiru upset because she thought they were her friends. Nana asked her to go for lunch and Michiru happily accepted. From then on they are "friends". Later at night, Nana stages an event in which she is trying to save Michiru from the enemies of humanity and gets stabbed in the back. Nana earned the sympathy and trust of the others as a victim and Michiru healed her. The next day, Michiru is the one who says to make Nana their leader, After the class agrees to prop up Nana as class leader Nana asks Michiru to gather a list of everyone's talent and personality. As Michiru was gathering said list she noticed she hadn't seen Nana around so she checked Nana's room and found she was not there. She asks Kyouya for help as the two of them are asking around the dorms about Nana they learn Tsunekichi is saying weird things about Nana being his girlfriend.

Michiru listens to Nana's story about Tsunekichi
The two go to Tsunekichi's room next but he's not there. They search the room and Michiru discovers a premonition photo of Nana lifeless in the PE shed. Michiru panics and wants to find Nana right away she and Kyouya rush out of Tsunekichi's room. When they reach the PE shed they find Nana standing over Tsunekichi's lifeless body. Nana asks Michiru to heal him she tries but she can't bring Tsunekichi back Michiru explains how they found Nana and she informs them Tsunekichi was blackmailing her with naked photos of herself. After the confusion is cleared up Michiru asks to stay with Tsunekichi's corpse to try another way to save him. As she kept pushing herself she discovered a strange photo under Tsunekichi's clothes of Nana pushing Nakajima off a cliff. Michiru gives Nana the photo and Nana explains that Tsunekichi couldn't predict the future his real power was to turn his dreams into photos she discovered it while reading his mind. Michiru promises to keep the Nakajima photo a secret and the two attend Tsunekichi's funeral the next night. During the funeral Shinji disrupts Kyouya and Nana's arguing by manipulating Tsunekichi's corpse Michiru revealing Shinji's talent is necromancy. After that's resolved Michiru walks with Nana to PE the next day but Nana is worn out from her night patrols and rests in the infirmary. As Michiru is participating in PE with the rest of her class Kyouya approaches her asking where Nana is, Michiru takes Kyouya to the infirmary and comments on how much Kyouya wants to keep tabs on Nana.

Michiru, horrified at seeing her classmate's corpse.
Kyouya brushes it off as him being friends with Nana, when he opens the curtain where Michiru left Nana the two discover Nana not in her bed, but outside banging on the window. Nana asks them to come with her and to bring Yuuka, Shinji's girlfriend, the four go to where Nana had found a calico cat stuck in the drain. Yuuka says she can't use her strength so Kyouya suggests getting cat food from his room. Michiru holds the kitty and tells it to thank Nana for coming to its rescue. Not long after a few days later, Nana asks Kyouya to bring Michiru along with Seiya and Mogou so she can explain what happened between Yuuka and herself. Michiru tries to comfort Nana and tell her what Yuuka did wasn't her fault. Michiru is distressed not only by Shinji's corpse but by all the other corpses Yuuka had dug up. After Nana reveals the enemies of humanity controlled Yuuka, Michiru gets more upset. Kyouya however is determined to get everyone else to see Nana as a killer and points out that Nana's location is unknown whenever something happens to their classmates. Right at that moment a scream is heard from the girl's dorm, the group approaches and finds a girl pointing to Kaori's dead body.

Michiru recalls Habu's poison talent
Michiru runs to try and save her but Kyouya stops her telling her it's too dangerous, Nana agrees and holds Michiru back. Michiru stays with Nana and Kyouya near the body, during this Michiru explains Kaori's ability to teleport. After Kyouya continues to accuse Nana Michiru pipes up and demands to know why Kyouya is so insistent on Nana being a killer. Nana says she's used to Kyouya's theories at this point. While Nana is telling Kyouya about Habu she asks Michiru about Habu's talent, Michiru recalls Habu's Talent is making her saliva poisonous she even bit Michiru once. Kyouya continues to accuse Nana after Nana tells Kyouya she's been in Kaori's room before to lecture her about bullying Michiru. Michiru stands up for Nana showing Kyouya text messages between Kaori and Habu the last text was sent while Nana was in the group to dispose of the corpses Yuuka dug up.

Michiru defends Nana
Michiru demands that Kyouya stop accusing Nana, but Kyouya doesn't drop it and tries to spin a narrative out of what he has to checkmate Nana. As Kyouya goes off deflecting all of Nana's attempts to defend herself Michiru gets more upset. Kyouya attempts to find the last bit of proof he needs, Habu's cell phone which he suspects Nana still has on her person. He fails to find it and Michiru demands he to apologize to Nana, especially after what she went through with Yuuka. Sometime later Michiru's drink gets sedated and she falls asleep before the next morning's classes start sleeping for the entire day, allowing an imposter to take her place at school. That night when she comes to she asks around and a girl tells her she was in class earlier.

Michiru hugging Nana who just now regained conscience
After Jin incapacitates Nana, Michiru takes care of her and changes her clothes when Nana wakes up Michiru is overjoyed Nana explains how she got attacked by an enemy of humanity but as Jin had forced Nana to tell them about her parent's murder her mask slipped and her true feelings about the Enemies of humanity show through. This leads to Nana having to explain the death of her parents to Michiru resulting in Michiru sobbing in the bathroom. After Michiru comes back Nana elaborates and lets her self-hatred show Michiru tries to stand up for Nana but Nana doesn't listen saying her back still hurts. At the mass funeral for Yuuka , Shinji , and Kaori Michiru looks worn out and pants a bit Nana tries to inquire but Michiru says it's nothing to worry about lamenting her inability to help the three dead. Afterward, Michiru goes to Nana's room under the pretense of checking on her injuries but Nana sees through this and realizes Michiru wants to know more about the murder of Nana's parents, towards the end of Nana's story Michiru holds Nana's hands and sit quietly with her. The next morning Michiru is pondering something but the two friends are interrupted by Kyouya revealing another murder only this time not it wasn't a victim of Nana.

Michiru wants to save those who die
Michiru is burdened by another death that she isn't able to stop and asks to drape a sheet over the body. Michiru laments at hearing that three of the suspects were busy that night listening to "Mogou vanity hour". Later Michiru still appears to be thinking something over which makes Nana suspicious of what she's thinking. When the two of them are eating together Michiru asks what Nana plans to do after graduation, Nana says she'll attend university Michiru says she wants to become a doctor since her talent can't heal sickness. This sets Nana's mind at ease but then Michiru brings up her living situation offering Nana to stay with her and her parents which sets Nana off, she storms off leaving Michiru in the cafeteria alone. Michiru goes to Kyouya and tries to tell him something but changes her mind leaving Kyouya confused. Later Michiru comes across two cats, a calico cat is meowing at her trying to get her to heal his injured friend, she heals the cat but as she showers she feels lightheaded and passes out. Nana finds her after being prompted by Jin that Michiru's been in the shower too long.

Michiru awakens
Michiru remains unconscious for a whole day, when she wakes up she tries to heal a cut Nana got on her finger but Nana freaks out telling her not to overexert herself Michiru realizes Nana has been taking care of her the whole time. Nana tries to walk away but Michiru calls out that her hair is just as messy as Michiru's the two of them laugh together at how messy they both look. As the two of them are eating the soup Nana made Michiru says it's a bit salty but Nana teases that Michiru's fever messed up her tastebuds. Nana tries to get up and go so she can continue her mission but Michiru insists that Nana stay with her, the two of them play shogi together when Nana prompts Michiru about Hitomi and her kind-heartedness. She tells Nana her story causing Nana to leave even more conflicted since she assumed Michiru's kindness was an act.

Michiru asserting herself for the first time
Later that night Michiru goes to Nana's room finally telling Nana what's on her mind. Michiru pokes holes in the murder of Nana's parents trying to make Nana understand it's not her fault like Tsurouka tried to tell Nana. Michiru offers Nana to go shopping at the supply ship tomorrow when the two of them get there Nana is feeling conflicted about whether or not she deserves a relationship with Michiru. After the supply ship leaves Nana and Michiru reveal they bought gifts for each other, Nana bought Michiru a pen with a dog on it and she got Nana a pillow. Sometime after that Tsurumigawa Rentaro tells Michiru to meet him by the shore to talk, Jin intercepts her disguising themself as Mogou but Michiru doesn't tell Jin who she's meeting. She is then cut by Rentaro while waiting for him, Rentaro is the killer that Kyouya is after, he makes a speech about his twisted self-expression wanting to kill pretty things as a form of power tripping. Michiru runs for it believing wholeheartedly that Nana will save her, Rentaro mocks this thinking Nana is just like him since she should know he's the murderer with her mind reading.

Michiru Died With A Smile.
Michiru refutes this saying he's not allowed to mock Nana no matter what he does to Michiru. At the last moment, Nana steps in getting herself stabbed in the back, Michiru tries to heal her but Nana refuses. Nana tells Michiru she has a plan for her to escape. Nana provokes Rentaro allowing Michiru to get distance, Michiru refuses to leave Nana behind but Nana lets her ugly side out trying to get Michiru to hate her so that she alone escapes. Michiru runs sobbing violently, after Rentaro is sent back to his body by Kyouya Michiru comes back to see an almost dead Nana, using the last of her life and putting her all into it she attempts to revive Nana. Michiru calls out for Hitomi but doesn't back down desperate to finally save someone from dying. Nana wakes up and checks Michiru's heart but it's stopped Nana reflects on her time with Michiru and cries all while Michiru's body smiles having fulfilled her wish of protecting someone dear to her.
Episode Appearances[]
Season 1 | ||||||||||||
1. "Talentless": | Debut | |||||||||||
2. "Time Traveler": | Appears | |||||||||||
3. "Talented vs. Talentless": | Absent | |||||||||||
4. "Healing": | Appears | |||||||||||
5. "Talented vs. Talentless Part 2": | Appears | |||||||||||
6. "Necromancer": | Appears | |||||||||||
7. "Necromancer Part 2": | Imagined | |||||||||||
8. "Talented vs. Talentless Part 3": | Appears | |||||||||||
9. "Survival of the Fittest": | Appears | |||||||||||
10. "The Invisible Blade": | Appears | |||||||||||
11. "The Invisible Blade Part 2": | Appears | |||||||||||
12. "The Invisible Blade Part 3": | Appears | |||||||||||
13. "Revival": | Death |
- On the official munou na nana website her description reads: ナナオやナナたちのクラスメート。小柄でふわふわした髪の女の子。ヒーリング能力の持ち主。他人の怪我をなめて、傷をいやすことができる。素直で心やさしく、おとなしめの性格。そのためクラスメートから、からかいやいじりの対象にされることも多い。This can roughly be translated to:Nanao and Nana's classmate, she is a petite girl with curly hair who has the power to heal by licking another's wound. She is kind hearted and has a timid personality and because of that she is often a target of harassment for her classmates.
- According to the Council, Michiru has a Potential Kill Count of 1.5+ million people. (150+ thousand in the anime)