Munou na Nana Wiki
If I'm still being kept alive, after confessing my crimes, then... I'll save the others and we'll escape from this place!

Nana Hiiragi determined to atone for her crimes and save the Talented in "Reunion"

Nana Hiiragi (柊 ナナ, Hīragi Nana) is the titular main character of Talentless Nana. A transfer student girl. She claims to be "able to read people's minds, but not the room" She has a carefree and easy-going demeanor and is quite clumsy, but she has excellent powers of observation and deduction, and is extremely effective in the fight against the "enemies of humanity."


Nana has teal eyes and bubblegum pink hair with white tips, often worn in pigtails. Her iconic hair ties have small white daisy flowers on them. While on the island, she wears a bright red-pink and white school uniform with kneesocks that sport a pink circular design at the top. Her eyes are occasionally depicted as glowing red in the anime when she reveals her cold-hearted side.

Spoilers here!
After the timeskip, Nana's hair has noticeably grown longer, though she still wears it in pigtails. She now wears a navy blue Watchman uniform.


Nana's fake personality is that of an air-headed extrovert who says what she's thinking (and what others are thinking) without considering how others will react. Underneath that, her real personality is that of an intelligent and determined soldier with a strong sense of justice. This is also shown not to reflect Nana's true nature. After she's forced to confront her past trauma she becomes more vulnerable (particularly to Michiru). She reclaims her sense of justice from the government which tries to use her as their pawn. She also tends to get obsessed with whatever she throws herself into. She is very strategic even from a young age with her board games. She is shown to struggle with self-hate even after befriending many of her former adversaries.

Spoilers here!
After the time skip, she is even more determined to save the Talented. She has grown into the caring person that the late Michiru believed her to be. She feels full remorse for her past crimes, and wishes to make up for them by helping the Talented, including Nanao, their enemy.


Nana and her older brother were raised by loving parents who worked for the government. At some point in the past, Nana's older brother left home. His current whereabouts are unknown, although Jin has stated that he discovered something about him. When Nana was still a child, her parents were supposedly murdered by a burglar, (who Tsurouka says to Nana was a talented) who entered their house through Nana's window. She was subsequently taken in by Tsuruoka and trained by him.

After the deaths of Michiru and Koharu Mishima weakened her resolve to kill, she confronts Tsuruoka about the truth. He reveals to her that he was the one who killed her parents. As workers for the government, Nana's mother and father began questioning the ethics of how the Talented were treated. In his own words, Tsuruoka purged them to prevent further inquiries into the government's practices. He then used this as an opportunity to manipulate Nana into becoming a child soldier.


  • Nana created her own custom solo board game because no one wanted to challenge her at other games.


Chapter 1

1. "Please die for humanity’s sake." - To Nanao as she pushes him off a cliff

Chapter 3

2. "There'll be no need for me to feel shy about killing you!" - As she thinks about killing Kyouya

Chapter 4

3. "This one... is even more dangerous than Nakajima." - As she realizes how smart Kyouya is

Chapter 5

4. "Now I will become the leader of the pack, and rule the school." - To herself revealing the goal of stabbing herself

Chapter 12

5. "I may be a murderer, but at least I don't toy with the dead." - Taunting Yūka

Chapter 14

6. "'No', what?! You stalker!" - Debunking Yūka's love story with Shinji

Chapter 22

7. "The window at the crime scene... ...was left open" -In sync with Kyouya about Fuuko's power

Chapter 24

8. "No... Not now. She can't die yet" -Worrying over Michiru, who she found unconscious

Chapter 26

9. "Is that okay... for me?" -Unsure if she deserves Michiru

Episode Appearances

