Youhei Shibusawa (渋沢 ヨウヘイ, Shibusawa Yōhei) is a minor character in Talentless Nana. He appears to have the ability to "stop time." No matter what happens, he can manipulate time and change the situation to suit his needs. He has a slightly nervous personality but is also a gentleman and an idealist.
Youhei has thunder-grey hair and dark grey eyes. He wears the standard school uniform but occasionally wears a tightly-fit black shirt and grey sweatpants. He has a muscular build from working out to better use his talent.
Youhei gives the impression of being cold-hearted and ruthless, yet that lies a deeply ingrained sense of justice. Despite being a rather noisy eater, he upholds his principles vigorously and reacts strongly to anything he disapproves of, particularly audible or slow eaters. While he does not view himself as a paragon, he presents himself as one, fervently advocating for global reform with his Talent. This demeanor may be the reason behind the mistreatment he endures from his more conceited peers. Despite his remarkable strength, there are moments of humility, such as considering someone his friend and equal after she only identified his true talent, demonstrating a desperation for friendship, he also commits to defending the vulnerable. However, occasional displays of arrogance do tend to irk those around him.
Despite rumors of being able to stop time, Youhei's Talent is to travel to the past. His limit is to events that have happened in less than 24 hours despite his efforts to go further back. In addition, the farther back he travels, the more physically drained he gets. He appears in the same spot he traveled from in the present when he returns from the past. While he's in the past, time continues to flow normally, essentially pointing out that the amount of time in the past will translate to the same amount of time in the present. He also gets sent back to the present if he is seen by anyone and recognized, for example making direct eye contact with someone from the past. So for his power to work effectively, he has to be unnoticed in the past while doing actions that would change the past and the present after he changes something people's memories are overridden by what he changed.
Youhei is a schoolboy who gets bullied and hides exactly what his time-related Talent is. While eating alone in the cafeteria, Nana comes up to him after she discovers his true talent he suggests they work together to rebuild the world. He discusses how their world is full of poverty and prejudice, and Youhei assures her that with his Talent, he is the only one worthy of fixing it. Kyouya asks Youhei if he can use his talent to investigate Nakajima's disappearance, after Nana suspects Kyouya of being an enemy Youhei and Nana investigate by themselves.
Youhei first appears when we are shown him getting purposefully knocked off the log bridge by a flying classmate of his. He shouts at his classmate that he can't swim, and the flying classmate flies away with a halfhearted apology. We next see him when Moguo tries to take out his anger on one of his followers, Moguo ends up on the floor without explanation. Youhei steps up with a bruise on his hand complaining about how much Moguo cares about being class leader. He continues listing off the types of eaters that he cannot stand, implying Moguo is one of those types of eaters. Moguo, despite his tough guy image submits to Youhei's spiel with him still giving a menacing look while helping Mogou to his feet. While Youhei is loudly eating alone in the cafeteria Nana comes up to him and asks to join, Youhei continues eating fast seemingly to finish his food before he starts a conversation. Youhei addresses Nana and reiterates his disdain for loud eaters, Nana corrects him that he's a noisy eater. Youhei asks what she wants and Nana says she heard he's the strongest in the school, Youhei dismisses that idea since he's bullied as much as Nakajima is. As he's describing his bullying situation Nana asks for his pickles and accidentally drops his water, Youhei uses his talent and the water is back on the table. Nana asks what happened and Youhei tells her that he stopped time and not to tell anyone but Nana protests that he didn't stop time saying she's a chatterbox and she might tell people his actual talent. Youhei smiles and is impressed that Nana figured out that he was lying attributing it to her mind reading Talent. Youhei, so impressed that Nana is the first student to figure out his true power suggests they work together to rebuild the world. Nana is confused by this, he elaborates on how their world is full of poverty and prejudice, and with his talent he can fix it. Nana butts in asking if it's scary knowing that he could mess up the future but Youhei assures her that he never makes mistakes and with his Talent, he is the only one worthy of fixing this world. As he attempts to shake hands with Nana he notices Nana has some leftover rice in her bowl asking her to remember that he doesn't like people who leave rice in their bowl. Nana says she'll be careful of that when a mysterious man appears behind her out of nowhere, this man asks Youhei if he can use his talent to investigate Nakajma's disappearance. Youhei asks who he is but the man interrupts him saying Youhei doesn't have to worry about him gossiping about his Talent. Youhei says even if this man did tell the class about his power they wouldn't be able to do much about it. Nana asks what the man means about Nakajima disappearing and Youhei watches the man grabs Nana's pigtail and tells Nana why he thinks Nakajima is gone. The man then asks Nana about Nakajima, the man says Nana can call him Kyouya and Nana asks why he's touching her hair, Kyouya explains his little sister had pigtails, Nana says that an enemy of humanity might have something to do with Nakajima being gone. Yohei confirms he's heard rumors of the enemies of humanity being on the island Nana looks over at Kyouya after mentioning that the enemies of humanity can take human forms. Nana bolts up from her seat and stands next to Youhei, he asks what's wrong and Nana says she heard a strange inner voice from Kyouya. Kyouya questions what she's doing but Nana questions him about his interest in Nakajima, also noting Kyouya wasn't in the class during school hours. Kyouya says he doesn't have a particular reason he's just curious since Nakajima had a lot of hype around himself yesterday. Nana questions if that's all there is to it and Youhei asks her if Kyouya's thoughts are telling her anything before asking Kyouya directly why he suddenly came up to them both. Kyouya smiles and walks away saying he wants to make friends, Youhei asks Nana if she thinks Kyouya is an enemy Nana says she could be wrong but she's sure she heard an unfamiliar inner voice from Kyouya and was scared. Youhei remarks that they should be careful around Kyouya before saying they should look into Nakajima's disappearance since Nana is worried about him. Nana asks if he will help her and Youhei insists that since he and Nana are friends that makes Nakajima his friend as well. Outside the boy's dorm Youhei goes into the past after a while he comes back and reports that he confirmed what Kyouya said about Nakajima never returning to the dorms Nana seeing the condition he's in asks more about his talent and Youhei says going back in time exhausts him so he built up stamina for it by working out. All he needs to travel back is imagine when he wants to go however, he can only travel back one day at most, and the farther he goes back the worse strain it puts on his body. After explaining that he had to come back to the present since someone saw him he goes back into the past once again. When he comes back he's even more exhausted than from the previous jump, Youhei questions Nana if she went with Nakajima to the cliffside, Nana confirms she did so Shibusawa goes to retrace their steps. After a long wait, Youhei comes back and is more exhausted, Nana elaborates on her trip to the cliffs with Nakajima, Youhei reminds her that Nakajima didn't return from the cliffs after they parted ways so he has to investigate. Youhei asks Nana about her mind-reading ability thinking that's why she keeps seeing him when he goes to the past. Yohei tells Nana that if someone recognizes him in the past he has to return to the present, Nana remarks on how hard that makes changing the past. She asks if they can continue tomorrow but Youhei refuses citing twenty-four hours as his hard limit. Nana points out how exhausted he looks and that he can barely stand. Youhei assures her he'll do what he needs to for justice trying to encourage her by bringing up how worried she was about Nakajima. He asks Nana what time she and Nakajima went to the cliffs, but Nana hesitates he asks if something happened at the cliffs that she doesn't want Youhei to see. Nana tells him she and Nakajima went to the cliffs around six PM. At the cliffs Youhei assures Nana he's not investigating out of suspicion of her and Nana affirms she knew that. Yohei goes to the past again and comes back out of breath, Nana asks what he saw Youhei says he saw Nakajima and Nana holding hands before Nana saw him again and he got sent back. Nana apologizes for her past self and Youhei is relieved that Nana didn't do anything to Nakajima and Nana forgives him since she understands a transfer student being an enemy is reasonable to believe. Youhei is worn out and suggests calling the investigations quits. Later that night Youhei is woken up by Nana shaking and crying at his door, the two of them rush into the woods and Youhei asks why Nana didn't tell him earlier, Nana apologizes saying it was an issue of trust, Youhei says it's okay since he didn't completely trust her earlier, Nana points to a spot and says that's where an enemy of humanity attacked Nakajima. Youhei asks her to tell him exactly what went down, Nana explains that she and Nakajima fled into the woods to escape the enemy of humanity when Nakajima got eaten by said enemy. Nana was scared she couldn't fight back, she says Youhei is the only one who can save Nakajima. She desperately begs Youhei to go back in time saying right where he's standing back 24 hours ago is where Nakajima was eaten and killed. She says even warning him could potentially save his life, citing how they're almost out of reach of Yohei's talent. He agrees to go back despite knowing how worn out he'll get he promises to be back soon with Nakajima in tow. Youhei goes into the past and falls into the river that was frozen by Seiya earlier that morning, Nana had shoveled dirt onto some of the ice and waited until nighttime when it was hard to see, when Youhei goes into the past his usual exhaustion and inability to swim cause him to drown. Since Yohei died before the training started a new timeline is created where his whole meeting with Nana and Kyouya is erased.
Episode Appearances[]
Season 1 | ||||||||||||
1. "Talentless": | Debut | |||||||||||
2. "Time Traveler": | Appears | |||||||||||
3. "Talented vs. Talentless": | Mentioned | |||||||||||
4. "Healing": | Mentioned | |||||||||||
5. "Talented vs. Talentless Part 2": | Absent | |||||||||||
6. "Necromancer": | Mentioned | |||||||||||
7. "Necromancer Part 2": | Absent | |||||||||||
8. "Talented vs. Talentless Part 3": | Absent | |||||||||||
9. "Survival of the Fittest": | Absent | |||||||||||
10. "The Invisible Blade": | Flashback | |||||||||||
11. "The Invisible Blade Part 2": | Absent | |||||||||||
12. "The Invisible Blade Part 3": | Absent | |||||||||||
13. "Revival": | Flashback |
- According to the Council, Youhei has a Potential Kill Count of 8+ million people. (800+ thousand in the anime)